Befriending Week 2024 – Narelle and Freddie

What made you decide to volunteer for Befriend a Child?

“My mum used to volunteer with families, so I knew I always wanted to do something similar when I could. I have spoken about befriending for years and when my son got older, and my daughter left for university I felt I finally had the time. I absolutely loved being a mum, especially when the kids were younger. I love imaginative play and being silly, so I thought it would be a really nice opportunity to revisit the things I used to do with my kids with another child!”

How has having a befriender helped your befriendee?

“Freddie has a sibling with additional support needs so it’s really good for him to have some time away from the house to do things he really wants to that he may not get to do as much as he would like to. Freddie’s mum says that the days we go out and about he comes home in a much better frame of mind and will sit with his sibling and play etc, but if he has been in the house all day he can become frustrated, so its nice that he is having that respite as such. I really love that even though I am only spending time Freddie, I am helping the whole family, that means a lot to me.”

How has being a befriender impacted you?

“It is such a privilege to be in Freddie’s life, I adore my time with him. He is such a bundle of energy, and we have such fun. We have our own playlist as Freddie loves music, so he plays DJ and I drive, I sometimes think he enjoys the car journeys more than the actual outings!! I really can’t imagine not doing this. I get to do so many fun things and I think it has made me say yes to making plans more with other people which is really nice.”

What would you say to someone thinking about befriending?

“If you have the time – and it is easy to find the time – do it. It is such a worthwhile thing to do, you are making such a difference, and I get as much out of it as Freddie does. My outings with Freddie are anything from a walk in the park for a couple of hours, to a trip to Codonas and lunch which could be 4 hours, so it’s really flexible and whatever you both have time for. There are so many children that need a befriender, so at least enquire if you are thinking about it. The team at Befriend a Child are amazing and support you all the way. It is such a rewarding thing to do with your time. As they say, it’s the things you don’t do in life that you’ll regret!”

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