Fundraise for us!

At Befriend a Child we are always so grateful for any support we receive. Whether that is in the form of a donation, regular giving, taking on a fundraising challenge, attending one of our events, or by nominating us for your workplace charity of the year partnership, your support can go a long way in shaping the life of a local child or young person.


Choosing how to fundraise can be a difficult decision. Fundraisers can range from setting up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook to hosting a quiz night or signing up for a sponsored event. They can be as big or as little as you like depending on your time and budget. You can fundraise as an individual, with your family, friends, or colleagues. We hope our fundraising pack will help to inspire your fundraising and remember our fundraising team are here to support you.


Other ways to support us

Don’t have time to organise an event or take part in a challenge? Then why not contribute through one of the following options:


Collection Cans: We are always looking for businesses to take our shiny yellow collection cans, once dropped off we will monitor them regularly and pick them up once they are full. Money can be donated through coins, notes or contactless through the text donate instructions which are clearly highlighted on the side of the can.


Nominate us for charity of the year: We would be delighted to be nominated for charity of the year, this may be through your workplace, your rotary club, your gym, a university society or you may even be part of a sports or performing arts group, there are many community groups who choose to fundraise throughout the year. Once selected as your chosen charity we of course would love to meet you all and provide a presentation about Befriend a Child to help inspire your fundraising and offer support.


Legacy Giving: Leaving a gift to Befriend a Child in your will or in memory of a loved one can help ensure we can continue supporting children and young people across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. To request an information pack please email and we will talk you through the process.


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