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We were delighted to receive a grant of £16,054 from the People’s Postcode Trust during 2023-2024!
Befriend a Child Raises More Than £40,000 for Local Children Experiencing Hardship at Enchanted Forest Ball
Befriend a Child’s Enchanted Forest Ball, which took place on Friday the 17th of May 2024, raised £40,914 for local children the charity supports across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.
Befriend a Child challenges your mind, body and ‘sole’ with The Return of the Inferno Firewalk
Befriend a Child, is calling on people across the North-East to take on the Return of the Inferno Firewalk Challenge this March 2nd.
With more than a fifth of Aberdeen’s children living in poverty, Befriend a Child is helping families in need cope this winter.
A Poverty Demographic Report from Aberdeen City Council showed that 21.8 per cent of youngsters in Aberdeen City have been judged to be living in poverty, with 21% of children in Scotland living in marginal, low or very low food security. Aberdeen City-based charity Befriend a Child recognised that many of the families of their befriended children could often do with extra support and therefore launched their Family Support Project in 2022.
We were delighted to receive a grant of £16,054 from the People’s Postcode Trust during 2023-2024!
17 October, 2024
Befriend a Child Raises More Than £40,000 for Local Children Experiencing Hardship at Enchanted Forest Ball
Befriend a Child’s Enchanted Forest Ball, which took place on Friday the 17th of May 2024, raised £40,914 for local children the charity supports across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.
11 June, 2024
Befriend a Child challenges your mind, body and ‘sole’ with The Return of the Inferno Firewalk
Befriend a Child, is calling on people across the North-East to take on the Return of the Inferno Firewalk Challenge this March 2nd.
11 January, 2024
With more than a fifth of Aberdeen’s children living in poverty, Befriend a Child is helping families in need cope this winter.
A Poverty Demographic Report from Aberdeen City Council showed that 21.8 per cent of youngsters in Aberdeen City have been judged to be living in poverty, with 21% of children in Scotland living in marginal, low or very low food security. Aberdeen City-based charity Befriend a Child recognised that many of the families of their befriended children could often do with extra support and therefore launched their Family Support Project in 2022.
22 December, 2023
Aberdeen Children’s Charity appeals to public to bring Christmas Cheer to local children living in difficult life circumstances
Befriend a Child has launched their annual Giving Tree Appeal, to ensure the children they support, and their siblings, have a magical Christmas with presents to open on Christmas morning and exciting new experiences to look forward to in the coming year.
9 November, 2023
Local charity Befriend a Child receives coveted Quality in Befriending Excellence Award
We are absolutely delighted to have our befriending programme recognised with Befriending Networks’ sought-after Excellence Award!
9 October, 2023
Befriend a Child Volunteer reaches 25-year milestone and urges others to get involved.
We were delighted to catch up with volunteer befriender Fiona Forbes on celebrating 25 years with Befriend a Child!!
5 August, 2023
Tackling Child Abuse Project Interview: Linzi Bremner
We sat down with our Tackling Child Abuse Project Lead, Linzi Bremner to discuss the vital project and how it is supporting local children and young people across Aberdeen City and Shire.
25 July, 2023
Befriend a Child Raises £35,000 at Golden Ticket Ball for Local Children Experiencing Hardship
Befriend a Child’s Golden Ticket Ball, which took place last Friday the 19th of May 2023, raised £35,000 for local children the charity supports across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.
2 June, 2023
Volunteer Interview: Charmaine
We caught up with volunteer befriender, Charmaine, to chat about her involvement in Befriend a Child’s Healthy Minds project. Read more about what her experience has been like so far.
22 February, 2023
Volunteer Interview: Fiona
We caught up with volunteer, Fiona, who started her befriending journey in October 2022. Read more about what her experience has been like so far.
25 January, 2023
Healthy Minds Project Interview: Susanne
After seeing an increase in the number of children and young people being referred due to poor personal or parental mental health, the team at Befriend a Child developed the Healthy Minds Project. Senior Befriending Coordinator and project lead, Susanne McMenemy tells us a bit more about the programme and how it is helping the young people they support.
10 October, 2022
Local children’s charity Befriend a Child launch project to provide extra support to families in need
Since the success of their initial pilot project, Befriend a Child have been able to recruit a Family Support Co-ordinator, Louise Coleman, who is working directly with the parents and carers of befriended and mentored children, providing help and a listening ear to the families who need it.
16 August, 2022
Bumi Armada support Befriend a Child’s Easter Extravaganza party
Bumi Armada and Befriend a Child are bringing Easter joy to the lives of many local children this March. The annual Christmas party that takes place each December at the Aberdeen Altens Hotel was postponed due to restrictions, therefore it was decided that an Easter Extravaganza would replace it this year.
17 March, 2022
Befriend a Child look for volunteer befrienders and mentors in Aberdeenshire
With demand for their services growing, local children’s charity, Befriend a Child, have launched an appeal to find new befrienders and mentors in Aberdeenshire. In the wake of COVID-19, more children and young people are in need of a befriender or mentor, and the charity is committed to ensuring it can support those most in need in the local community.
9 March, 2022
Befriend a Child, launches appeal to find new volunteer mentors as demand for their services grow.
Local children’s charity, Befriend a Child, has launched an appeal to find new volunteer mentors as demand for their services grow. Befriend a Child’s intandem mentoring programme offers support to young people aged 8 to 14 years old, who may be experiencing turbulent home lives and are lacking in a positive adult role model. Through the support of a mentor these difficulties can be alleviated and allow the young person to have the chance to look forward to their future.
14 February, 2022
Befriend a Child announce WM Donald as Platinum sponsor of black-tie Carnival Ball
Befriend a Child announce WM Donald as Platinum sponsor of black-tie Carnival Ball Local children’s charity Befriend a Child have announced the return of their annual Big Kids Ball for 2022 with a new date and WM Donald as their Platinum sponsor. The charity supports children and young people growing up in difficult life circumstances in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire with one to one befriending and mentoring programmes, youth clubs and holiday playschemes.
14 February, 2022
Befriend a Child’s Giving Tree Appeal raises £13,436 to support local children growing up in difficult life circumstances
Befriend a Child’s annual Giving Tree Appeal, which took place in the latter half of 2021, focusses on raising funds for the charities 1-1 befriending programme, and ensures all of the children supported by the charity receive presents to open on Christmas morning. The charity was overwhelmed by the generosity of the public as they received an incredible £13,436 in donations towards experiences the young people and their volunteer befrienders will enjoy this year.
2 February, 2022
Bumi Armada and Befriend a Child are bringing festive joy to local children this Christmas.
Bumi Armada and Befriend a Child are bringing festive joy to the lives of many local children this Christmas. The annual Christmas party that takes place each December at the Hilton Treetops in Aberdeen had to be cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, however this year it was decided to go ahead with the Christmas party, much to the delight of the befrienders and their befriendees.
8 December, 2021
Local children’s charity appeal for public’s support to help bring the magic of Christmas to local children
Aberdeen children’s charity appeal for public’s support to help bring the magic of Christmas to local children growing up in difficult life circumstances. Local children’s charity Befriend a Child have launched their annual Giving Tree Appeal to ensure the children and young people supported by the charity have gifts to open on Christmas morning and experiences to look forward to in 2022.
30 November, 2021
Befriend a Child invite you to a black-tie Carnival ball in the centre of Aberdeen
Local children’s charity Befriend a Child have announced the return of their annual Big Kids Ball for 2022, revealing the Carnival Ball theme on their social media pages this week. The charity supports children and young people growing up in difficult life circumstances in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire with one to one befriending and mentoring programmes, youth clubs and holiday playschemes.
16 November, 2021
Local children’s charity to hold Christmas Wreath Making Class with XOXO Florist
Local children’s charity Befriend a Child are inviting guests to join them at the Village Hotel Aberdeen on Monday the 6th of December for a Christmas Wreath Making Class with XOXO Florist. Guests will be greeted with a warming hot chocolate and a delicious mince pie before getting started with the 2 hour masterclass. During the workshop attendees will learn how to create their very own, bespoke traditional Christmas holly door wreath from scratch. Using a wireframe, natural moss, holly,
16 November, 2021
Local photographer to launch charity calendar to support Befriend a Child
Photographer, Bryan Evans, has launched a calendar to support Befriend a Child, and raise vital funds to support children and young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The calendar is full of stunning photography that feature Scotland’s wildlife, countryside, and architecture. “I wanted to be able to continue to help what I feel is a fantastic cause that does so much good for the community I have called home for over a decade now.” – Bryan Evans
29 October, 2021
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